Festivals of India - 2016
A calendar bringing festivals of each month alive through its rich, colorful & concisely narrated festivals of each month.
Seasons of India - 2017
Ring in the new year with the colors and tempers of the Indian seasons or Ritus. Celebrate the Seasons of India with the Kosh Calendar. Embellished with quartets from Ritusamhar, this aimed to bring in a congruence between Usable gregorian calendar and rich flavour of 6 Indian Seasons: Shishir , Vasant, Grishma, Varsha, Hemant, Sharad !
Flowers of India - 2018
Blessed with unbound natural bounty India brims with Blossoms of all siz, shape, color & fragrance. This calendar& notebooks present some of the most loved blossoms of India that adorn and perfume this land that insists on celebrating life in all its forms.